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Girls grows whopping cabbage

Melinda Murphy

The advent of COVID-19 has obstructed the normal daily activities of every person worldwide, so it’s no wonder people are putting in their time towards a variety of different activities. Whether its art or DIY projects you’re looking at, many of us are finding the time to create things we had no idea we had the ability to do. It allows us to follow undiscovered passions while also allows us to refine old skills we haven’t used in a long time. Who really knows what getting up and trying can actually bring until we try? That was the story of a young student in North Carolina who picked up gardening in the midst of this global pandemic.

A third-grader in North Carolina, Kyra Sutton, put her talents in gardening thanks to a class project that was assigned in her elementary school. As we will soon see, Kyra’s harvest was definitely a bit more than what she bargained for!

Kyra attended Acme Delco Elementary school and was very excited to start the “Third Grade Cabbage Program”. Before the school closed by the end of March, each student was handed a cabbage plant that measured roughly about 4-6 inches. The objective was to teach each student about the importance of gardening.

Kyra was able to plant the plant that was given to her for the project as well as one given to her by the school secretary. She began to tend and take care of her cabbages every day in her great-grandparents’ garden. She received word that her school would stop the project due to the gravity of COVID-19 and to adhere to social distancing measures that have been implemented.

Although the project was scrapped, Kyra never stopped putting in time and love into her garden and soon she would reap the fruits of her labor. She developed a very strong passion for gardening in the midst of the pandemic. Her family also supported her journey firmly and were shocked when they started seeing how big the cabbages were getting.

Caring For Cabbage

With each drop of water, ray of sunlight, and ounce of dedication given to the cabbage plants, they steadily began to grow more and more. The cabbage grew so much, in fact, that by the time the school was out for the summer, the plants reached a gargantuan size. One of the cabbages weighed an astonishing 31 pounds! What an incredible result!

After the full harvest, the cabbage was distributed amongst dozens of people to enjoy. Kyra’s teachers were so proud of her that they plan to submit images of the cabbage to Bonnie Plants, the company that sponsored the project. Kyra will then be raffled into a contest that awards one student from each state with a $1000 scholarship!

“I’m really proud of the cabbage and how I grew it,” Kyra said. “I didn’t let the coronavirus stop me.”

Kyra is the perfect example of using your time wisely in times of uncertainty. She has shown how hard work and unrelenting motivation can bring a wonderful creation to life. Just look at how big that cabbage grew to be! Whether she wins or loses the contest, she has demonstrated a surprising feat that not many people can hope to accomplish.

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