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One of the best way to feel better during

a crisis it to help others. Here are some great ways to volunteer from home.


Helping Seniors

Looking for a way to give back? How about helping

homebound seniors?

Helping Singapore

Want to give back? Check out this site for volunteer opportunities in Singapore.


Virtual Volunteering

There are many different types of support tasks that can be done from home. Some of these volunteer opportunities may require training. Other jobs can easily take advantage of skills that you already have.


Getting Kids to Help

Why not get those bored kids to do something nice for somebody else? Scouting Magazine has some great suggestions!


Help Small Biz

Small business are in serious trouble because of the lockdowns across the globe. Here are some tips how you can help. In Singapore? Then check out this article. Also, in Singapore you can join the Singapore Restaurant Rescue Facebook page or buy gift certificates for Singapore stores to be used at a later date. 

Stacking Coins


Often in times of crisis, the thing that's most needed is money. This links to the World Health Organization's fund, but if you are in the US, you can check this article out. In Singapore, look here for suggestions.

Painting, fabrics and sewing accessories

Make a Face Mask

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make a face mask.


Telephone Befriending

Do you have a few extra minutes to spare? A simple phone call will can make a huge differernce in a lonely person's life. 


Help Malaysians

Many Malaysians work in Singapore but live in JB, and cross the bridge daily. The lock down forced them to choose between staying in Malaysia with their loved ones but being possibly unemployed, or crossing over to Singapore for the 2-week lockdown period without any housing or family support.

Old Asian Man

Aid Elderly in SG

Singapore has several suggestions about how you can help the elderly during this crisis such as helping them become more digitally ready.


11 Ways to Help SG

Fantastic list of things you can do to help those in need in Singapore.


For Immigrant Workers

If you’re good with sewing and you want to make a difference in this time of crisis, here’s an initiative you can join! CYC Made to Measure is recruiting volunteers to sew and supply 300,000 pieces of cloth masks for migrant workers under a high risk of infection. You’ll be given the mask kits and clear instructions, including a step-by-step video guide.

Drama Performance

Support the Arts

A huge number of theatre companies and other arts organisations are being very generous with their offerings during the COVID-19 crisis. If you enjoy something that you watch, please consider donating money to the company who produced it or to an organisation supporting the arts: like many others, arts companies cannot share their work in these difficult times and so cannot generate any revenue. Here are some potential starting points if you are looking to support the arts more generally:

Helping Hands

Helping in the US

If you’re doing okay during the coronavirus crisis, here’s how to help those who aren’t. This piece has lots of great info about how you can help.

Main Meal

Pay a Meal Forward

Do you know somebody who could use a lift? A friend who has also lost someone? A family having a particularly challenging time? If not, how about an organisation that works with the needy? Why not send them a meal? Help the restaurants and help your friends at the same time. It's a win-win!

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Help Migrant Workers

Migrant workers in Singapore live in dorms that have seen a huge uptick in COVID-19. There is a way to help. Read on.

Package Delivery

Treat Yourself & Do Good

With F&B and retail businesses impacted during these Covid-19 times, local enterprises are getting creative from offering freshly brewed coffee delivery to DIY craft kits.  Check out how you can support local biz in Singapore and treat yourself at the same time.

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